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Ordering Terms

Required Information

To ensure accuracy, the following information must be included with every order.

Contact Name
Company Name
Contact phone number
Contact Email Address
Account Number and Purchase Order Number
Requested Ship Date (if not indicated, the order will be placed and shipped ASAP)

Complete Model Numbers – including Option Codes:
If standard equipment, please fill the space with 000
For access doors, specify “L” for louvered or “S” for solid, where applicable.

All notes regarding special pricing, terms, shipping, etc. (include supporting documents, such as factory quote)

Send Orders To:

Phone orders and Fax Orders are not accepted.

Email ALL new and revised purchase orders to: orderentry@aspenmfg.com.

Send parts quote requests, order status requests, and other informational requests here: info@aspenmfg.com.

To contact the Customer Service team by phone:

281-441-6500 (Dial 1 for Customer Service) or 800-423-9007


It is important to us that we confirm receipt of every purchase order received and we enter your purchase order in a timely manner. 

To help us ensure we have received your purchase order, we kindly ask that all purchase orders be sent directly to our Order Entry Team at orderentry@aspenmfg.com, rather than directly to your local sales representative or any other Aspen employee. We do encourage you to cc: your local sales representative on any email sent to our Order Entry Team. 

Once we receive your purchase order (new ones and revisions), you will receive and “order receipt” email from OrderEntry@AspenMFG.com, to simply let you know it was received. 

Even if we have an issue with the purchase order sent in, you will receive an email letting you know about the issue and what is required to move forward. 

If you do not receive a return email with a copy of your purchase order, it likely means we did not receive your purchase order. 

Please save the OrderEntry@AspenMFG.com email address as the primary address for submitting all purchase orders to Aspen Manufacturing. 


It is helpful to production if you reference the original model number and the serial number of the equipment associated with the part you are ordering. Parts (such as pistons, TXVs, drain pans, etc.) ordered with equipment (air handlers/coils) will have the same lead time as the equipment. If you need the parts sooner, ordering them on a separate purchase order is best. For drain pans, coil assemblies, blower assemblies, and blower motors, the information is required. Please make sure this information is on your purchase order. We cannot process your Purchase Order without it.

Equipment Orders

Order and Line-Item Minimums: Terms.pdf

The minimum order quantity is fifty units.

The minimum line-item quantity is one pallet.

Ordering Service Parts

When ordering the following Service PARTS, we require the COMPLETE model number and the serial number of the associated equipment. 

This is a requirement of production. We cannot process your order without this required information. Please make sure it is referenced on your purchase order for any of the following PARTS. 

• Blower Motor 
• Blower Housing/Wheel 
• Blower Assembly 
• Drain Pan 
• Coil Assembly (REPL Coil for Air Handler) 

Send parts quote requests, order status requests, and other informational requests here: info@aspenmfg.com.

Technical Support

Send email our Technical Support team to: techsupport@aspenmfg.com.

To reach out via phone please call: 

281-441-6500 (Dial 3 for Technical Support) or 800-423-9007


Send email concerning warranty status requests and claim inquiries here: warranty@aspenmfg.com.

To reach out via phone, please call: 

281-441-6500 (Dial 2 for Warranty) or 800-423-9007

Who to contact

For any additional questions or information, please use the following contacts.

Warranty Team: warranty@aspenmfg.com
Order Entry Team: orderentry@aspenmfg.com
Technical Support Team: techsupport@aspenmfg.com
Customer Service: info@aspenmfg.com
Accounts Payable: accountspayable@aspenmfg.com
Accounts Receivable: accountsreceivable@aspenmfg.com
Claims: claims@aspenmfg.com(ONLY for freight damage issues)

Local Sales Representative: Contact Us

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